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Pros & Cons of Telemedicine

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of telemedicine skyrocketed. Some estimates suggest that 38 times more patients are now seeing their healthcare provider through a virtual visit compared to pre-COVID-19 numbers. 

Medical professionals are increasingly offering telehealth services. Many patients prefer to receive healthcare services in this manner. Yet, there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with telemedicine. 

Please continue reading to learn more about the telemedicine industry in general and some of the pros and cons of using telemedicine systems.

What are telemedicine services?

Telemedicine services, also called telehealth services, make use of electronic data and telecommunications technology to provide health care services. Essentially, the patient visit is a virtual one rather than an in-person appointment.

Telemedicine equipment

Patients need a smartphone or computer and an internet connection to avail medical care through telehealth services. Healthcare professionals use telemedicine equipment such as high-definition web cameras, remote monitoring devices, wearable monitors, digital scopes, and telemedicine software. These telehealth solutions allow providers to evaluate patients and make recommendations during a telemedicine appointment.

Telemedicine services

Providers offer a wide range of health services using telemedicine tools. For example, your doctor can talk with you live by phone or video call during telehealth appointments. You can send messages by email or chat messaging before, during, and after telehealth visits. 

Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to screen a patient, evaluate a patient remotely, order tests, prescribe treatments, refill prescriptions, offer advice for minor health conditions, and provide guidance on physical and mental health. Many telehealth platforms seamlessly relay patient data, which makes it easy for doctors to offer virtual care.

How many healthcare providers offer telemedicine services?

McKinsey and Company has reported that early in the pandemic, telehealth utilization was 78 times higher (April 2020 versus February 2020). A survey by the American Medical Association found that 85% of physicians report current telemedicine use. What’s more, 70% of physicians are motivated to continue using telehealth software and offering virtual visits even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Some estimates suggest that $250 billion of US healthcare spending could shift to virtual visits in the coming years.

There were several regulatory changes made during the COVID-19 public health emergency, including an increase in insurance coverage for telemedicine services. Approximately 80 new Medicare and Medicaid services were temporarily approved for reimbursement if offered through a virtual appointment. This was a huge benefit, and healthcare providers are hopeful that provider reimbursement for telehealth services will continue post-pandemic.

What are the pros of telehealth?

Here are some of the key advantages of receiving telehealth services from a healthcare professional:

  • Convenience: Doctors can treat patients in the comfort of their homes.
  • Fewer visits: Electronic exchange of medical data between physicians and patients results in fewer in-person appointments. 
  • Reduced waiting times: Patients don’t need to spend time in a doctor’s waiting room, such as during an in-person appointment. They can simply attend a virtual appointment at the designated time. 
  • Reduced healthcare costs: Patients save money and time traveling to a doctor’s office.
  • Improved monitoring of chronic diseases: Doctors can offer uninterrupted patient care, resulting in better health outcomes for people with chronic conditions.
  • Improved access: Providers can offer healthcare services to people living in rural areas. 
  • Minimal spread of infectious diseases: Telemedicine appointments allow people showing symptoms of infectious diseases like COVID-19 to get urgent care without putting other patients and the healthcare provider at risk.
  • Satisfaction with patient care: Most patients report satisfaction with the quality of care received during virtual appointments.

What are the 3 main benefits of telemedicine?

The three main benefits of a telemedicine service are increased convenience for patients and providers, cost savings, and improved patient outcomes due to more efficient remote monitoring. 

What is the main problem with telemedicine and remote patient monitoring? 

The main problem with telemedicine and remote patient monitoring is that a doctor cannot perform a physical examination during telemedicine appointments. However, new technology and devices are increasingly overcoming this hurdle. For example, wearable devices can relay medical data such as heart rate, blood pressure, EKG, blood sugar levels, and more to healthcare providers.

What are the disadvantages of telemedicine?

Some of the key disadvantages of telemedicine include:

  • Inability to perform physical exams: As mentioned above, the inability of a healthcare provider to examine a patient during a virtual visit is one of the main cons of telemedicine.
  • Lack of access and digital literacy: Not all patients have access to a computer, smartphone, or internet connection. Also, people who are not tech-savvy cannot avail virtual care and may prefer an in-person visit. Healthcare providers might also lack the telemedicine equipment needed to conduct a private and secure telemedicine appointment. 
  • Lack of access to specialty care: Many parts of the US have provider shortages, for example, in behavioral health. There is also a need to expand specialty care to rural patients so they can avail these services virtually.
  • Gaps in technology: While telemedicine software has advanced greatly, there is a need for interoperability between electronic patient records, telemedicine tools, and telehealth software for the seamless exchange of medical information.

Does telemedicine improve patient outcomes?

Telemedicine appointments can improve patient outcomes because they allow health care professionals to do regular follow-ups and make sure patients are adhering to the treatment plan without an in-person visit. This is especially true for people with chronic medical conditions. Wearable medical devices and remote monitoring tools can collect patient health data and transmit it to the health care provider on a regular basis, which can improve overall health outcomes.



  1. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insights/telehealth-a-quarter-trillion-dollar-post-covid-19-reality
  2. https://www.gao.gov/blog/telehealth-pandemic-how-has-it-changed-health-care-delivery-medicaid-and-medicare#
  3. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/global-covid-19/telemedicine.html
  4. https://www.ama-assn.org/press-center/press-releases/ama-survey-shows-widespread-enthusiasm-telehealth