We Will Clear You: DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

October 19, 2023By Larry K. Houck

Medicine cabinet, stuffed to the gills
Capsules, liquid, patches, and pills
Expired oxy, hydro, benzos, and more
All kind of meds flowing out the door

We will, we will, clear you
We will, we will, clear you

Were the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) a rock band, it might promote the upcoming National Prescription Drug Take Back Day by setting the lyrics above to a catchy tune.  DEA is not a band, but along with its law enforcement partners, the agency will host thousands of local drop-off locations nationwide for clearing out and proper disposal of expired and unneeded medication from medicine cabinets between 10:00 am to 2:00 p.m. local time on Saturday, October 28, 2023.

DEA has held Drug Take Back Days each spring and autumn since 2010.  The events have led to the removal of more than 17 million pounds of unwanted medication across the country.  Last April’s Drug Take Back Day alone removed 663,725 pounds (332 tons) of medication at almost 5,000 collection sites hosted by 4,500 law enforcement agencies.

Additional information about DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, including local disposal locations, can be found here.

So, clear out that stuffed medicine cabinet.