How to Get Out of the Pharmacist Job Search Cycle

by | May 16, 2022 | Career, Career Path, General, Network, Pharmacy Student, Resume

We have all been at various points in our lives where we felt we have had enough and desired a change. It could be breaking free from an addiction, deciding to start a family, or in this case leaving a job where you have been unhappy and stressed. However, a few days or weeks down the line, we end up not following our action plan or even fail to draft out one. Eventually, you feel stuck and accept your current experience as your fate.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes of your mind when you decide to look for a new job that you may not even be aware of. These underlying psychological principles play out time and time again in unhappy pharmacists. We call it the, “Negative Feedback Loop.” You may unconsciously find yourself stuck in this loop even if you are aware of it. To achieve the kind of life you desire in your career, you need to be able to identify the various points in this cycle and intentionally come up with a definite plan to get past them.

The Pharmacist Job Search Cycle


Phase 1: The Start of Searching

This phase is where you actively begin the job search. It lasts for about 1 – 2 months. You join job boards, search online for openings, have to work on your resume and write cover letters. You simply search for any available positions and turn loads of applications in. You may even lose track of the jobs you apply for as you do not have a specific idea of what you want in your mind. The information overload makes you feel overwhelmed alongside the various tasks you need to do during the application process.

Phase 2: The Long Pause

After submitting many applications, you wait for positive feedback and it fails to come. The ones that get back to you let you know you are not what they need at this time. You are lucky and get a couple of interview invites. You do not know what to expect from the interviews and after watching a couple of YouTube videos, you show up for the interview. Right there in the room, you realize you are not likely to get the job as you could not answer the questions thrown at you. Now, you lose motivation gradually as the wait continues. Eventually, you resign to your current job situation. “Maybe it isn’t so bad,” you tell yourself. This phase lasts for between 2 – 6 months.

Phase 3: The Bad Day

However, as time goes on the job you badly wanted to leave a few months ago, “The Bad Day” comes. Your boss yells at you so badly for not completing a task over the weekend, when you ought to spend some time with family. Maybe the workload is so overwhelming that day and patients complain even though you are doing a job meant for three pharmacists as the premises are grossly understaffed.

When this day comes, you will feel like you are at your breaking point. The pressure to simply quit your job will be strong. On the other hand, you are bereft of options as you quit your last job search after months of trying. Maybe you decide to start the search again because of this latest experience at work. The reality is that starting the search again does not mean you will get the desired results this time. By definition, the negative feedback loop means that increased output from the system inhibits future production by the system. In simpler terms, the more you continue this Search Cycle, the less effective your efforts will be.

This is why you need proven Clarity, Strategy, and Systems that help you transition into the job you will love. All of these are available with the Happy PharmD coaching program. The coaches deliver personalized guidance to you to help you get out of the Negative Feedback Loop using the same strategy and a proven system that has helped over 2000 pharmacists through the years. Reach out today to book a session with a career advisor and get started on your journey to a healthier life.


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Creating Happy Pharmacists

If you really want to build the career and life that you’ve dreamed of, one where you are helping people and working in a field that you love, you need to do something different than what you’ve been doing.

Through coaching you can re-discover why you became a pharmacist and find your passion again.