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Benefits Of Attending PHARMIG

Benefits of attending in-person practical training courses

Whilst we have seen attendance to online meetings / conferences / webinars increase significantly over the last 3 years or so, there is still nothing better than attending an in-person training course and the benefits this style of training brings to an individual, their team, or their company.

Face-to-face learning and training have their only uniquely beneficial factors when compared with online training. One of the most obvious aspects would be to allow hands-on experience, no matter how good the online course is, there is currently no technology that allows you to get hands-on experience outside of the classroom. Practical experience is a proven way in which we learn and retain information more efficiently.

Although online technology has become more advanced over the past few years, a classroom environment allows delegates and trainers to communicate and interact much more readily than online. Online courses often have waiting times before attendees can communicate (questions at the end, questions in the break), whereas in-person courses allow for more of a ‘free flow’ of communication and exchange of information.

A classroom environment can be much more adaptable and flow with the needs of the group, allowing for a much more open and fluid learning environment, in contrast online tends to be much more rigid to help facilitate the course, with less scope to change the learning topics or structure of the lesson.

There is also an obvious benefit with classroom and in-person learning, which is less reliance/need for technology, online has many conditions that need to be met before it can happen without problems, internet connection, the quality of technology available, software requirements and many more. In-person training can be interactive and effective with very little need for technology.

Online learning can be subject to distracting outside influences, the natural distractions that come with working/learning from home or the office, this is greatly reduced within a classroom environment.

Peer learning is a powerful educational tool, exchanging ideas and questions with one another and providing a valuable learning medium that online environments cannot replicate.


Additional Benefits of Effective in-person Training with Pharmig

  • Increased Employee Motivation, Satisfaction, and Morale.
  • Increased Efficiency.
  • Reduction in Employee Turnover.
  • Increased Innovation.

Pharmig is a non-profit professional organisation that represents the interests of people who work in, oversee, or collaborate with microbiology in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, cosmetics, and NHS industries. We offer a wide variety of courses and publications to our members.


Pharmig is offering 2 training courses in March and April:


Basic Microbiology Practical Training Course – 14th & 15th March, York

A 2-day course designed for those who are new to pharmaceutical microbiology. The course is laboratory-based and strongly focuses on practical techniques, group exercises, and lectures. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice fundamental techniques. Course contents include culture maintenance, microbial identification, environmental monitoring, aseptic technique, and data integrity for the microbiology lab.

You will leave this course with a clear understanding of what happens in a microbiology lab, why the tests are performed, and how to document them correctly.

Training in the basics will help you to:

  • Understand contamination risks to the process.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current control measures.
  • Maintain compliance with cGMP and data integrity expectations for the laboratory.


A Practical Introduction to Sterile Manufacturing – 26th April, Solihull

Designed for those people who are new to the industry this interactive training course will help you understand what sterile manufacturing is and will cover topics which include: microbiology, clean room design, sterilisation processes, sterility assurance, manufacturing methods and regulatory oversight.

It is designed to:

  • Get you to think about the risks associated with sterile manufacturing.
  • Understand the basic elements of sterility assurance.

The course will support:

  • Building greater people capability and consistency in your sterile operations
  • Reducing quality issues, waste, defects, and accidents
  • Being better able to meet your regulators’ expectations.
  • Releasing batches more consistently à get products to the patient more reliably.
  • Better management of individual performance

At the end of this training programme, you will:

  • Have an underpinning awareness of sterile manufacturing and associated risks.
  • Attain an introductory understanding and knowledge of key sterile processes and controls.

If you are interested in attending these courses, please contact us here, we would love to hear from you.