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Why am I not losing weight on Wegovy?

Poor diet, incorrect dosage, underlying health conditions, and more can affect your ability to lose weight on Wegovy

Key takeaways

  • Wegovy is an FDA approved injectable medication for weight management that should be used with guidance from a healthcare provider for the proper dosage and administration.

  • Factors such as genetics, underlying health conditions, and insufficient lifestyle changes can affect Wegovy’s weight loss results.

  • Working with a healthcare provider is key to developing a well-rounded approach to managing weight, including diet, exercise, hydration, and regular follow-up visits.

For many people, Wegovy has been a helpful tool in the journey toward weight loss. Wegovy, developed by Novo Nordisk, is an injectable medication containing semaglutide. It works as a GLP-1 receptor agonist by mimicking a hormone that regulates appetite, leading to reduced hunger and food intake. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for individuals with obesity or who are overweight with at least one weight-related problem, Wegovy pens are typically prescribed alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Despite its effectiveness in clinical trials, Wegovy might not lead to adequate weight loss for everyone, and some individuals may experience a weight loss plateau. These effects can be due to various factors, such as inconsistent use of the medication, insufficient lifestyle changes, and individual genetics. Therefore, it’s often recommended to consult a healthcare provider, such as an obesity medicine specialist, for professional medical advice. 

Continue reading to learn more about why you might not be losing weight on Wegovy and how to get the most benefits out of it. 

Why Wegovy might not be working for weight loss

Wegovy is a powerful medication that has been shown to be safe and effective for weight management. However, there may be numerous reasons why you’re not losing weight on Wegovy. Some factors may be outside of your control, while others might be related to specific behaviors or lifestyle factors that can affect weight loss progress.

Incorrect dosage 

A key part of making sure Wegovy is as effective as it can be is taking the correct dosage. Wegovy is typically started at a lower dose of 0.25 milligrams (mg) once weekly for four weeks. Then, the dosage is gradually increased in four-week intervals to a maintenance dosage of 1.7 or 2.4 mg. However, if you remain on a lower dose for too long, you might not experience significant weight loss. A healthcare provider can provide guidance on the appropriate weekly dose if you’re not experiencing results. 

Incorrect administration

In line with getting the right dose for maximum effectiveness, it’s important to administer the medication correctly. Taking it the wrong way could make it less effective. 

Inject the medication under the skin once per week on the same day, making sure to press the pen firmly against the skin until the yellow bar stops moving. Also, ensure the injection site is rotated to avoid skin irritation. For best results, always follow the instructions on the drug package and those given by your healthcare provider. 

Improper storage

Wegovy should be stored in the refrigerator when not in use. If necessary, the pen can be stored outside of the refrigerator for up to 28 days. After 28 days, the medication may start to lose effectiveness. In addition, storage in extreme hot or cold weather conditions may decrease how well Wegovy works. 

Individual genetic differences

Not everyone may respond to Wegovy the same, as a person’s genetic makeup can influence how well Wegovy works for them. If you have certain variants of the gene that codes for the GLP-1 receptor, which is the drug’s target, you might not lose as much weight as you’re hoping for. You may want to consult your healthcare provider about taking a genetic test to see whether Wegovy could be effective for you. 

Hitting a weight-loss plateau over time

When taking Wegovy, some individuals may find that their weight loss progress stalls after a period of time, even with a consistent diet and exercise plan. They might experience a weight loss plateau due to the body’s possible adaptation to the medication. At this point, a healthcare provider may recommend a different medication or other lifestyle changes. 

Inadequate duration of treatment

If you just started treatment with Wegovy, you might have unrealistic expectations of immediate weight loss. However, most people see gradual results from Wegovy over time. It can often take several weeks or months to notice changes in weight. Based on clinical trials, most patients didn’t see maximum weight loss results until up to 68 weeks after starting treatment. 

Underlying health conditions

Other health conditions may sometimes be overlooked when determining why Wegovy is not promoting sufficient weight loss. Conditions characterized by hormonal imbalances, such as hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can greatly affect metabolism and weight management. Mental health problems, like depression and anxiety, can sometimes lead to emotional eating and reduced motivation to take Wegovy consistently. Therefore, treatment is often needed to manage these health conditions and ensure maximum effectiveness with Wegovy. 

Chronic stress

If you’re stressed for extended periods, your body releases more of the hormone cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels can encourage the body to store fat, particularly around the stomach area. It also spikes hunger and can lead to cravings, usually for sugary or fatty foods, which is counterproductive when trying to lose weight with a medication like Wegovy. In addition, stress can make it harder to keep a consistent exercise routine due to a decrease in energy and motivation.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sufficient sleep can affect weight loss efforts, even when using medications like Wegovy. If you don’t get enough rest, your body can experience hormonal imbalances that can increase appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods. Sleep deprivation can also increase the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with fat storage. In addition, poor sleep can lead to fatigue, which may make you less likely to do enough physical activity and burn calories.

These are just some of the many reasons, often outside your control, that can make it hard to get optimal results from Wegovy. 

Common mistakes when using Wegovy for weight loss

Many people often make mistakes when using Wegovy for weight loss. These mistakes are usually preventable, especially with the right guidance and support. 

Not sticking to dietary changes 

Even with Wegovy, weight loss generally requires a calorie deficit—taking in fewer calories than expended. Not having a balanced diet and indulging in high-calorie foods and drinks, such as sugary beverages and fruit juices, can counteract the medication’s benefits. Healthy dietary habits that involve eating whole foods are a cornerstone in the weight loss process.

Lack of regular exercise

Adding regular exercise to your routine is another key aspect of losing weight with Wegovy. A lack of physical activity might lead to slower results or a plateau, as exercise helps burn calories that could otherwise be stored as fat. Without consistent, healthy lifestyle changes, the expected results may not materialize. 

Inconsistent use of the medication or missing doses 

If you’re prescribed Wegovy with your weight management plan, having a regular dosage schedule is important for maximum effectiveness. Wegovy stimulates a hormone that regulates appetite, which can help you feel full sooner and eat less. However, taking Wegovy inconsistently and missing doses could decrease the effectiveness of the medication for weight loss.

Overlooking the importance of hydration 

Many people often forget the role of drinking enough fluids in weight loss. Yet, maintaining proper hydration may be a key component of weight loss plans. The body’s hydration status can influence metabolism, and even being slightly dehydrated can lead to a reduced metabolic rate and affect your energy balance. If you have a higher body mass index (BMI), you may be more likely to be inadequately hydrated, which could affect your overall weight loss efforts.

Skipping follow-up appointments with healthcare providers

Starting Wegovy for weight loss is more than just taking a weekly shot; it’s a commitment that includes regular check-ins with doctors. Skipping these appointments can mean not getting the best results. Follow-ups are needed to effectively track progress and adjust the treatment plan if needed. Regular meetings with healthcare providers can help with setting realistic goals and keeping the momentum going, as losing weight takes time and can sometimes hit a standstill.

Discontinuing the medication prematurely

Discontinuing Wegovy, especially without the guidance of a healthcare professional, may lead to suboptimal results. Individuals may choose to stop using Wegovy for various reasons, such as experiencing side effects or not seeing immediate weight loss. However, weight loss with Wegovy typically occurs over a sustained period, and stopping the medication abruptly can slow progress.

Oftentimes, you can prevent mistakes before they occur to see the best results. Keeping the above potential scenarios in mind could help improve your chances of success with Wegovy. 

How to maximize weight loss while on Wegovy

If you’re looking to maximize weight loss while on Wegovy, there are several tips and strategies you can incorporate into your treatment plan. 

Seek support for psychological issues

Managing any underlying psychological factors may help promote long-term success with Wegovy, as emotional eating and stress can disrupt weight loss efforts. If you’re experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders that affect your appetite, you might want to consider therapy or support groups to manage these challenges.

Gradually increase physical activity

Physical activity is one of the most important parts of losing extra weight and maintaining muscle mass. It’s best to start slowly and then increase the intensity. A combination of exercises, including strength training and aerobic exercise, can help boost energy levels and improve overall health.

Use a food journal for tracking

Keeping track of dietary habits can be helpful, especially at the start of treatment with Wegovy. A food journal can allow you to monitor calorie intake and make dietary changes as needed. It may also help you identify patterns that may be hindering your weight-loss goals.

Plan meals in advance

Planning meals ahead of time can help prevent impulsive eating and ensure you’re eating a balanced, nutritious diet. Without a set plan or schedule, you may be more likely to grab an extra snack or two with calories that could add up throughout the day. Eating whole foods and a high-protein diet can help regulate blood sugar levels and manage hunger.

Celebrate small victories

Recognizing any signs of progress, no matter how small, can help keep you motivated. Losing weight is not an easy feat, so remember to celebrate your achievements along your weight-loss journey. Over time, you can start to see how far you’ve come in achieving your weight-loss goals. 

Know what to do if you miss a dose

If you miss your Wegovy dose and your next scheduled dose is more than two days (48 hours) away, take the missed dose as soon as you can. If it’s less than two days away, skip the missed dose and just continue with your regular dosing schedule. 

If you miss two or more doses in a row, ask your healthcare provider what they recommend. They’ll advise you to either go back to your usual dosing schedule or, if necessary, restart Wegovy with the dose escalation schedule to help ease any stomach symptoms. It’s all about staying on track and getting back to your routine without doubling up on doses.

Contact your healthcare provider 

Always consult a healthcare provider if you have any concerns about the effectiveness of Wegovy and whether it’s working for you. They can take a look at your complete medical history and different factors, such as your diet and exercise habits, to determine whether a dosage adjustment or a change in medication is necessary.