
The constantly changing algorithms and the evolving industry significantly impact how Google and other search engines generate organic traffic for a website. SEO-friendly pharmacy businesses or websites benefit from higher visitor traffic, improved brand awareness, and increased customer conversion rates.

Companies start generating leads from health services and practices. If you manage a social media page, posting your newest content lets people find your business.

A successful SEO campaign helps pharmacy businesses drive traffic to their website. Although social posting doesn’t directly impact organic rankings, increased traffic tells Google that your website interests your target audience.

Through relevant and quality links, partnering with the best marketing agency for pharmacy helps you establish brand authority. After its implementation, knowing and planning the best strategy to generate profitability drives more organic traffic to your website.

This post helps you cultivate a thorough understanding of organic traffic. Later on, we’ll shed light on the differences between organic and inorganic and the best example to choose the right one for your pharmacy business.

Understanding Organic Traffic and Your Pharmacy Website

Generally speaking, organic traffic refers to the visitors who come to your website due to unpaid (or “organic”) search results. Also known as the opposite of paid traffic, organic traffic doesn’t generate paid ads or other mechanical efforts to bring in site visitors.

So, site visitors that determine organic traffic find their way to your website after using a search engine like Bing or Google. Without the help of other websites or the result of advertising, users arrive on your webpage untouched by outside forces or influences.

Organic traffic offers established businesses with a large customer following. New companies with few followers who still work to grow their customer base usually need to rely on ads and other paid efforts before they achieve profitable organic traffic.

The Key Role of Organic Traffic to Your Pharmacy Business

Notably, organic traffic comes from natural and actual people. Visitors who land on your site appear as potential customers who seek a product or service solution to a recurring problem they have.

In addition to this, organic traffic leads to a more permanent ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). When you rely on paid traffic, the number of visitors disappears slowly but surely, significantly if you change the consistency of your promotions and advertisements.

Ranking your website through natural and organic techniques lets your business grow and stabilizes over time. Therefore, organic traffic describes the number of visitors generated directly from a search engine’s search results.

Organic Search Listing

Let’s say someone unfamiliar with your business seeks products and services you sell or provide. In such instances, they search for your products and services using appropriate industry keywords or phrases.

Your business ranks in the top results of search engines from these searches if optimized for those keywords. Optimizing your business for that phrase or a similar term increases the likelihood that the person searching for your products or services will click your site.

When your website pops in the top results in the search engine, it comes in the form of an organic search listing. Websites listed in these results remain unpaid as the rank comes from search engines, such as Google, based on their SEO efforts.

The search engine deems these websites the most authoritative and relevant, listing them for the given search query. Then, anyone who clicks on any of these websites in the non-paid listing present in search engine results equals organic traffic.

In other words, organic search traffic describes the traffic that comes to sites ranked naturally or organically. Any posted material remains not promoted or paid for as the sites rank based on their relevance and popularity.

Paid Traffic vs. Organic Traffic

Your website obtains a higher risk of getting clicks and visits from other sources like automated machines and bots with paid traffic. In PPC (pay-per-click advertising), some businesses use software to increase their clicks to learn more over time.

Of course, this differs from human traffic, which means that no conversion rate occurs over time. In other words, it makes no difference in your site analytics and results in zero growth.

With this in mind, implementing organic traffic on your site through SEO practices creates a big difference for your pharmacy business. However, the constantly changing world of SEO troubles marketers and strategists keep up with all the updates.

Likewise, paid search also offers tons of benefits to online business owners.

Some of the critical benefits of paid search take place in a short period.

  • Your website gains more visibility.
  • Get more effective results in a brief period.
  • The placement of your paid ad increases your brand awareness.
  • Create and execute a paid search campaign in a matter of days.

Organic Traffic vs. Inorganic Traffic

Besides organic search, generate traffic inorganically also helps your business. Read on to know the details of the differences between the two.

Considered as the most valued traffic source, organic traffic surfaces through organic search results. Its results appear in the list of links below ads in search results after a user types a query into the search engine.

Thus, organic results purely come from the content of the page and its quality. In other words, your organic traffic comprises people who found your business links in organic searches.

Inorganic Search Results

Accordingly, inorganic search is also known as paid search. It optimized business through paid strategies, such as PPC (pay-per-click advertising) and paid social media advertising.

The key difference between organic and inorganic search traffic occurs in businesses that focus on organic traffic generation. Unlike those investing in paid search for lead generation, these companies don’t have to pay for clicks.

So, when your business buys website traffic via pay-per-click advertising, you pay the search engine each time someone clicks on your website ad. Google Display Network appears as one of the most common types of PPC advertising.

Benefits of Investing in Organic Traffic for Your Pharmacy Business

Now that you know the fundamental differences between organic and inorganic searches, check the quick overview of the plethora of benefits of investing in organic search:


Considering the cost ranks as one of the top benefits of organic search over a paid search. Nevertheless, PPC ads guarantee to place the links and ads of your company in front of potential site visitors.

However, they come with a high cost as the amount of cash you spend on click-throughs eventually increases. So, the cost per click for organic searches remains zero.

You need to continue implementing sound SEO strategies to generate quality traffic cost-efficiently. It grows your returns on your investment smartly.

The more effort you put into improving your organic search traffic, the higher your website appears in search rankings. Therefore, it allows your pharmacy business to push the competition further down the list.


The Social Pharmacist advocates organic search because search engine users view these results as trustworthy. Also, organic results last long on search engine result pages as compared to paid search results.

Most web users skip paid results in favor of the first organic result displayed for their search query. So, by targeting organic traffic, marketers solidify the company’s web presence while building a solid reputation for your business.

Increased Conversion Ratio

By capitalizing on your organic search results, you quickly grow your business and increase the sales conversion ratio. Particularly, it occurs when a consumer searches for information regarding a product or service that you sell.

So, it shows that the user already went through the research phase of the consumer engagement cycle. Observing this gives optimal time to convert your prospects into customers.

So, if your business optimizes on search engines for organic results, you find the right target audience for your products and services. As a result, your target leads clicks on your site, thereby converting leads into sales.

Brand Awareness and Give Life to the Sales Cycle

We recommend focusing on both inorganic and organic searches to get the best results if you have the budget. Consider crafting a strategy that combines both organic and inorganic SEO.

By doing so, you take advantage of both strategies for your pharmacy website. Using organic and inorganic SEO shows that your site deserves a higher rank on the search engine results.

For example, prospective customers trust you better when they see your site in the top organic searches. It gives credibility to your inorganic SEO efforts.

How does organic search traffic become better than paid search traffic?

Traffic from paid advertising and social sites works wonderfully. But, businesses that neglect organic search traffic efforts give unprofitable outcomes.

In short, organic search traffic simply delivers better relevant traffic. For paid search ads still perform better in some capacities for online conversions.

However, combining organic search traffic and paid search outperforms either channel by itself. So, if your business still neglects organic listings, paid ads don’t work either.

When you don’t control the environment that drives your revenue, you wind up with a hefty advertising bill to generate traffic. Later on, it gets lost when the company changes how the platform surfaces your content.

Generally, these changes happen overnight or over a few weeks. Social media and paid ads generate traffic generators, yet not for long-term customer creators.

Notably, the bounce rates remain high while the number of pages visited stays very low. To make sure that the user finds you consistently, invest in organic traffic and make them stay longer.

Organic Traffic Search and Google Analytics

When you log into your Google Analytics account, the platform offers data on numerous metrics. The meaning of each section confuses a beginner in Google Analytics or digital marketing in general.

In Google Analytics, organic search refers to one of the most prominent ways people find information online — search engines. So, it acts as a source of traffic as soon as users get to your website.

The term ‘organic search results’ refers to unpaid listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). It doesn’t include paid results on SERPs, such as text ads and Google Shopping ads.

Thus, your business doesn’t need to pay for an organic listing. Google and other search engines rank these results according to their quality, relevance to the search query, and other factors.

What is Google Analytics? 

As an advanced tool for digital marketers, Google Analytics helps developers and website owners understand their audience. To name a few, it generates information about where the user comes from, how long they stay, and what pages they visit most.

Google Analytics provides organic search data when a viewer lands on your website without the aid of ads or direct marketing attempts. It essentially means that the user searched explicitly for your website or your website that showed up in response to specific terms entered in the search engine. 

Types of Traffic Sources

Most website analytic tools such as Google Analytics organize your traffic sources into the following categories: 

  • Direct Traffic: It works as a form of traffic that does not come from a referring website. If it comes from an unknown source, we categorize it as direct traffic as well. 
  • Organic Traffic: This comes to your site from a search engine yet unpaid. Any organic traffic gives you the result of your inbound marketing and SEO efforts. 
  • Paid Search Traffic: It comes from a paid search campaign launched on a search engine like Google or Bing. 
  • Social Traffic: Any traffic from a social media website, like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
  • Email Traffic: If you properly tag your email campaigns with email parameters, any traffic that arrives on your site from an email appears as email traffic.
  • Referral Traffic: Traffic that comes to your website from any other website that does not come from a social media platform or a search engine. Someone who clicks a backlink on another blog also falls as a type of referral traffic.

How to Generate Organic Traffic Search Data in Google Analytics?

Check your organic search data in Google Analytics regularly to better understand your website performance. Dig deeper into this data by clicking on ‘Acquisition Report’ at the bottom right corner of the graph when you enter the Google Analytics dashboard.

  • When you log into your Google Analytics account, select your desired property and view. Review the basic information about your traffic sources on your home page using the data in a graph under the heading ‘How do you acquire users?’
  • Go to ‘Acquisition’ and then ‘Overview’ in the left-hand menu to get an acquisition report. The Acquisition Overview report provides you with data about where your traffic comes from, including your top channels.
  • Click ‘Campaigns’ under the ‘Acquisition’ tab for more details on your organic search traffic. Then, select ‘Organic Keywords.’
  • If you change the ‘Primary Dimension,’ you see the search engines that sent the most traffic to your site, the pages search engine users most often landed on, and more.

How to Increase Organic Traffic for Your Pharmacy Website? 

Since organic traffic plays an extremely important role for any website to grow and flourish, keep a tab on the data regularly. Identify areas of improvement and constantly keep attempting to enhance the website to garner more organic traffic. 

Understand the four critical tips and points to consider in increasing organic traffic for your pharmacy website: 

1. Publish relevant content (via blogs)

People working in the digital marketing field say that ‘content works as the king’ for any strategy. Thus, it makes, builds, and holds your website together.

While writing the content, keep in mind that: 

  • The content serves a reader/viewer’s purpose.
  • Your blog needs to focus on giving solutions and adding value to the user’s search. 
  • Create evergreen content yet topical: Topical keywords and content have great organic reach and traffic. 

Driving traffic to your website remains an unchallenging affair if you do it properly. You need to define a complete roadmap about the things you do and how to do it. Plus, you have to break down the tasks into daily to-dos and put a deadline on them.

2. Research and Validate Topic Ideas

When creating content, stay aware of the hundreds of versions of the article or blog you currently write. It means that you have to research and validate your topic ideas.

Keep in mind the ways to write a piece of content and many angles from which to look at a topic. While researching, pay attention to the questions from the perspectives explored and build your blog piece around these ideas.

3. Include Long-Tail keywords 

Keywords play a significant role in directing organic traffic to one’s website. In fact, they give a link between a search and the result.

It remains a great way to enhance keyword density in your content. So, it responses to a user who wants to reach a Web page lookup that helps you identify the right keyword. 

After nailing down your primary keywords to build content around, think about long-tail keywords. These keywords provide structure to the body of your blog content because they come as headings and subheadings.

Also, it boosts the use of your primary keywords and provides some depth for your chosen topics. Then, it digs down into what you write and provides your readers with all the ins and outs about a particular product, service, or solution. 

4. Get Profitable Backlinks for Organic Traffic

To rank better in organic searches, make sure to create backlinks—a backlink points from one domain to the other.

An outbound link provides the link to another domain or website. On the other hand, the inbound link receives the link from another website or provider.

As one of the oldest SEO strategies, backlinks are among the best and most result-driven strategies to rank a website in the top organic searches. Websites with the most vital links to authentic websites continue to appear in the top searches.

Backlinks and Your Website Trust

The key reason behind the success and relevancy of backlinks revolves on how it acts as votes of trust. Also, it improves the organic rankings of a website.

Therefore, you need to encourage your clients, suppliers, industry mavens, partners, and bloggers to link to your website. The more incoming links you have on your website, the higher your website ranks trustworthy and authoritative.

Nevertheless, backlinks in the SEO world remain a hidden yet effective tool to increase browser listing ranking as it generates more traffic. Try writing to websites that collate lists or have references and backlinks features to direct more audience to your website. 

5. Develop a Search Engine-Friendly Pharmacy Website

Make sure that your business website works as search engine friendly. Try to insert meta-data details that include title tags to your website pages with descriptions.

In other words, the meta-title, description, and URL act as the three vital ingredients for an optimized web page or a blog post. These details tell Google precisely what you are talking about.

Also, SEO sits at the throne of the digital and tech world as it extensively focuses on SEO. So, keyword density, backlinks, technical SEO, alt attributes make a lot of difference in attracting organic traffic. 

Start Growing Your Pharmacy Website’s Search Organic Traffic Now!

The digital landscape works highly competitive and you have to compete successfully. So, you need to focus on building a trust-based and long-term relationship with your audience.

If your business continues to rank in the top industry searches organically, ranking in the top organic searches entails a lot of hard work, patience, and time. Also, embracing the daily grind of creating high-quality content combined with other SEO tactics to spear through competition and rank high in your industry organic search results.

Keep on analyzing your marketing efforts and find out what works best for you. Analyzing your activities and results helps you get results in the long term.

If you want to drive organic traffic to your pharmacy website and get more leads, contact us today for our SEO & blogging services. We have helped hundreds of pharmacy stores five times their traffic, out-educate their competitors, and attain high-ticket clients.


Keyword: organic traffic

Don’t Forget!

Before you post anywhere online, remember you or your team members are posting on behalf of your pharmacy brand and the pharmacy profession. Always adhere to your ethics and code of conduct. If you’re in doubt about posting a particular piece of content, don’t post it.

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About The Author

About The Author

Colm Baker is a registered pharmacist and award-winning digital marketer. Having qualified as a pharmacist in Ireland in 2013, Colm embarked on a Masters in Business Management in University College Dublin while also managing a community pharmacy.

From there, Colm launched his first digital marketing agency now called Full Blast Advertising and works with a wide range of businesses across a range of different industries.

The Social Pharmacist was launched as a pharmacy-specific full-service digital marketing agency to help community pharmacies create an online brand that they could be proud of and that would actually grow their business.

Colm has spoken at digital marketing conferences such as Amplify Digital Conference in Croke Park and written for magazines such as Irish Pharmacist. If you are interested in working with The Social Pharmacist or looking for guest contributors, please contact colm@thesocialpharmacist.com or connect with Colm on Linkedin by clicking here.

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